About Sama “Yogini Panda”
Sama has dedicated years to learning the profound impact of yoga, meditation, sound healing, and breathwork. Through her practice, she has discovered how these tools foster a deep connection between the body, mind, and spirit, extending their impact on everyday life. Her mission is to guide others in uncovering their inner light and help cultivate mindfulness, peace, and healing.
With a foundation in Vipassana Meditation and certifications in Sound Healing, 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training, Traditional Yoga and more, Sama creates a safe, nurturing space where individuals can heal and grow on their journeys.
Originally from Egypt and now calling New Zealand home, Sama brings a rich blend of cultural and spiritual wisdom to her practice.
As a fun anecdote, the name “Yogini Panda” comes from her rock climbing years, when a beloved knitted toque earned her the nickname “the climbing panda”—a name that evolved into what it is today.